The Adventures of Crocheting Carla

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm into making plarn tote bags again!!!

Boy have I been busy working on making Large Plarn tote bags. I figure since nobody is following me here I'll just have fun writing about my obsession with plarn right now! I seriously cannot seem to stop working with plarn. Now I'm going to work up a water bottle holder!!! Lots of people make them so I should too. I have two large plarn tote bags I made which are in the above pictures.

Recently, I have been working alot harder at my crocheting. I am taking it much more seriously than I have ever before. Because now, I see that I am starting to make a little bit at it which is like a dream come true. That was exactly what I had hoped for and now I hope that I can keep it going and make enough money to feel like I have a real job. But, it will be a REALLY, REALLY Fun Job that is helping recycle plastic that is so abundant right now. Good for Mother Earth and good for me. Now, I'm off to cut up some more plastic bags with my magic wheel. You know the fabric wheel. So, that I can work up the drink holder while I watch survivor tonight.

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